Teacher Based


Faculty Training

Dr. Vijayam successfully led a team of professionals in designing the customized, innovative modules for teacher training programs, catering to the needs of the schools. Being the inspiration for many to become educational leaders & encourage them to build their own great teams is the key tenet of Faculty training.


Competency evaluation & Competency Mapping

Schools usually ask these questions, ‘Are our teachers up to the mark?’, ‘Can they produce quality results?’, ‘How do we know whether the teachers are doing the right job?’ Similarly teachers also ask themselves, about how they teach and whether there needs to be any change in their profile. To deal with this, Dr Ravi has developed competency evaluation program. It is a complete scientific process to know what value a teacher adds to the system.


Leadership development

Dr. Vijayam, with her comprehensible study of succession planning & leadership development, led a team involved in training of Principals & also created modules for the same. She specializes in leadership training & has also developed specific modules for leadership development. As leadership is a journey, individual school needs may not fit in here and hence customized solutions are available. In today’s world leadership and governance for management is a very serious topic and it is dealt with in a very practical way.